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Ameeka Pannu, M.D.

Concepts (63)

Concepts are derived automatically from a person's publications.
Concepts are listed by decreasing relevance which is based on many factors, including how many publications the person wrote about that topic, how long ago those publications were written, and how many publications other people have written on that same topic.
Name Number of Publications Most Recent Publication Publications by All Authors Concept Score Why?
Acute Lung Injury120183800.470 Why?
Anesthetics, Inhalation120185700.430 Why?
Paraplegia120201690.180 Why?
Spinal Cord Ischemia12020940.170 Why?
Postoperative Complications22020152970.170 Why?
Respiration Disorders120203710.140 Why?
Intraoperative Care120207670.140 Why?
Thoracic Surgery120227190.130 Why?
Drainage1202011420.120 Why?
Nerve Block120216440.120 Why?
Aortic Diseases120207430.120 Why?
Anesthesia, General1202111710.120 Why?
Lower Extremity1202111580.110 Why?
Anesthesiology1202210600.100 Why?
Military Personnel1202111330.100 Why?
Pain, Postoperative1202116430.100 Why?
Lung Diseases1202118870.090 Why?
Blood Vessel Prosthesis Implantation1202013910.090 Why?
Critical Illness1202226700.090 Why?
Respiration, Artificial1202025690.080 Why?
Endovascular Procedures1202019800.070 Why?
Cardiac Surgical Procedures1202235370.070 Why?
Anesthesia1201815610.070 Why?
Physicians1202245670.060 Why?
Glasgow Coma Scale120225700.050 Why?
Endoleak120201060.040 Why?
Ulcer120202090.040 Why?
Coma120224750.040 Why?
Time120205420.040 Why?
Tidal Volume120204900.040 Why?
Aneurysm, False120202760.040 Why?
Cardiopulmonary Bypass1202210660.040 Why?
Clinical Protocols1202014610.030 Why?
Aortic Aneurysm, Thoracic120206910.030 Why?
Retrospective Studies42022774600.030 Why?
Aged, 80 and over32022577760.030 Why?
Pain Measurement1202134200.020 Why?
Recovery of Function1202129260.020 Why?
Humans820227443660.020 Why?
Oxygen1202241890.020 Why?
Critical Care1202226470.020 Why?
Seizures1202228590.020 Why?
Risk Assessment22021233360.020 Why?
Time Factors22021400750.020 Why?
Aged420221632880.020 Why?
Ultrasonography1202159840.020 Why?
Massachusetts1202086620.020 Why?
Male520223501150.020 Why?
Hospitals1202039540.020 Why?
Databases, Factual1202177300.020 Why?
Female520223801930.020 Why?
Animals120181687680.020 Why?
Clinical Competence1202146870.020 Why?
Analgesics, Opioid1202136770.020 Why?
United States22022698720.020 Why?
Registries1202080910.020 Why?
Treatment Outcome22021631070.010 Why?
Risk Factors22021722960.010 Why?
Middle Aged320212133900.010 Why?
Prospective Studies12022532900.010 Why?
Young Adult12020564290.010 Why?
Adolescent12020857790.010 Why?
Adult120202140520.000 Why?
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Funded by the NIH National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences through its Clinical and Translational Science Awards Program, grant number UL1TR002541.