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Nicole Shani Gunasekera, M.D.

Concepts (94)

Concepts are derived automatically from a person's publications.
Concepts are listed by decreasing relevance which is based on many factors, including how many publications the person wrote about that topic, how long ago those publications were written, and how many publications other people have written on that same topic.
Name Number of Publications Most Recent Publication Publications by All Authors Concept Score Why?
Vitiligo32023970.760 Why?
Panniculitis, Lupus Erythematosus1201750.600 Why?
Thiosulfates12017530.580 Why?
Focal Dermal Hypoplasia1201680.570 Why?
Appointments and Schedules120194430.510 Why?
Ultraviolet Therapy12014840.470 Why?
Bone Diseases120164180.420 Why?
Calcinosis1201714690.310 Why?
Skin3201744840.290 Why?
Cellulitis220192090.260 Why?
Medicaid1201928180.260 Why?
Lasers, Gas120231010.200 Why?
Silicone Gels12021390.190 Why?
Lasers, Solid-State120231760.190 Why?
Granuloma, Foreign-Body12021420.190 Why?
Buttocks120211110.190 Why?
Dermatology220219180.180 Why?
Medical Tourism12021520.180 Why?
Injections, Intralesional120172800.140 Why?
Nails120162960.120 Why?
Diagnostic Errors2201912650.120 Why?
Cost Savings120199130.110 Why?
Erythema120142620.110 Why?
Hair120164980.110 Why?
Skin Diseases1202110940.100 Why?
Antioxidants1201716680.080 Why?
Patient Compliance1201926900.080 Why?
Malnutrition120156450.080 Why?
Decision Support Techniques1201919980.080 Why?
Nutritional Status1201516150.070 Why?
Medicare2202167700.070 Why?
Severity of Illness Index32019158430.060 Why?
Telemedicine1202130520.060 Why?
Critical Illness1201527230.050 Why?
Intensive Care Units1201537440.050 Why?
Child32021801560.050 Why?
Dominican Republic12021760.050 Why?
Betamethasone12021490.050 Why?
Humans1420237615720.040 Why?
Phototherapy120233680.040 Why?
Electronics120213180.040 Why?
Melanoma1201857090.040 Why?
Emergency Service, Hospital1201978790.040 Why?
Skin Neoplasms1201858210.040 Why?
Cross-Sectional Studies22017261270.040 Why?
Skin Diseases, Infectious12019760.040 Why?
Child, Preschool22021422300.040 Why?
Female920213926860.040 Why?
Light1202313530.040 Why?
Hydroxychloroquine120214260.040 Why?
Hospitals, Urban120195000.030 Why?
Treatment Outcome32023646840.030 Why?
Male820213608420.030 Why?
Adult520212212030.030 Why?
Predictive Value of Tests32019152660.030 Why?
Leukocytosis120172510.030 Why?
Infant12016361920.030 Why?
Tachycardia120176000.030 Why?
Outpatients1202115970.030 Why?
Administration, Oral1202140210.030 Why?
Hospital Costs120199470.030 Why?
Diagnosis, Differential22019129750.030 Why?
Skin Pigmentation120142770.030 Why?
Middle Aged520182209200.020 Why?
Leg1201710880.020 Why?
Photography120145320.020 Why?
Drug Therapy, Combination1202163120.020 Why?
Emergencies1201712170.020 Why?
Bacteremia120179800.020 Why?
Age Factors22017183980.020 Why?
Biopsy1202167660.020 Why?
Aged520211693100.020 Why?
United States32021723350.020 Why?
Referral and Consultation1202136000.020 Why?
Adolescent12016883240.020 Why?
Propensity Score1201519130.020 Why?
Academic Medical Centers1201527590.020 Why?
Length of Stay1201964260.020 Why?
Models, Theoretical1201735750.020 Why?
Anti-Bacterial Agents1202174070.010 Why?
Sex Factors12015105530.010 Why?
Boston1201493260.010 Why?
Sensitivity and Specificity12017146660.010 Why?
Pilot Projects1201486330.010 Why?
Comorbidity12015105080.010 Why?
Retrospective Studies22019806460.010 Why?
Tomography, X-Ray Computed12021205710.010 Why?
Time Factors12019399700.010 Why?
Case-Control Studies12014221760.010 Why?
Phenotype12014165920.010 Why?
Reproducibility of Results12014200990.010 Why?
Cohort Studies12019414930.010 Why?
Aged, 80 and over12015589860.010 Why?
Risk Factors12015742130.000 Why?
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Funded by the NIH National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences through its Clinical and Translational Science Awards Program, grant number UL1TR002541.