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Peter Kraft, Ph.D.

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My research concentrates on the design and analysis of genetic association studies, with particular emphasis on studies linking variation in germline DNA to cancer risk. I have played a key role in multiple international consortia studying genetics and other exposures in relation to cancer risk over the last ten years: I have been a member of the statistical working group of the Breast and Prostate Cancer Cohort Consortium since its inception, and currently chair the BPC3 steering committee; I played a leading role in the design and analysis of GWAS of breast, prostate and pancreatic cancers as part of the NCI's Cancer Genetic Markers of Susceptibility and PanScan projects; and I chair the Analytic Working Group for the NCI's "post-GWAS" GAME-ON consortium, which aims to better understand the biological mechanisms underlying GWAS-identified cancer risk markers at five cancer sites (including breast and lung) and their public health implications.

I am also the contact PI for the epidemiology project of the breast cancer arm of GAME-ON, which focuses on gene-environment interactions and risk prediction. I have been the primary statistical geneticist for the Nurses' Health Study (NHS) and Health Professionals Follow-up Study (HPFS) for over ten years, and oversee the genotype databases for both studies, including genome-wide association data on over 20,000 subjects. I have collaborated on numerous analyses in the NHS and HPFS examining associations between genetic markers, behaviors (including diet and smoking), and risk of complex diseases. I have also collaborated with NHS investigators on the analyses of metabolite profiles in a case-control study of pancreatic cancer.

My current methodological research focuses on 1) efficient and interpretable "gene x environment interaction" analyses, 2) genetic risk prediction using common and rare genetic variation, biomarkers (including metabolites), and clinical and environmental risk factors, and 3) methods linking low-frequency variation, emerging functional annotation, and risk of complex disease.

The research activities and funding listed below are automatically derived from NIH ExPORTER and other sources, which might result in incorrect or missing items. Faculty can login to make corrections and additions.
  1. R01CA260352 (KRAFT, PETER ;TAMIMI, RULLA M) May 1, 2021 - Mar 31, 2026
    Prediagnostic exposures, germline genetics, and triple negative breast cancer mutational and immune profiles
    Role: Co-Principal Investigator
  2. U01CA249866 (CHATTERJEE, NILANJAN) Sep 15, 2020 - Aug 31, 2024
    Multifactoral breast cancer risk prediction accounting for ethnic and tumor diversity
    Role: Principal Investigator
  3. UH2CA191284 (KRAFT, PETER) Sep 3, 2015 - Apr 30, 2018
    Leveraging GxE interaction to understand pancreatic cancer and altered metabolism
    Role: Principal Investigator
  4. R01CA194393 (KRAFT, PETER ;LINDSTROEM, SARA) Aug 1, 2015 - Jul 31, 2024
    Leveraging cross-cancer shared heritability to better understand the genetic architecture of cancer
    Role: Co-Principal Investigator
  5. U01CA194393 (LINDSTROEM, SARA) Aug 1, 2015 - Jul 31, 2024
    Leveraging cross-cancer shared heritability to better understand the genetic architecture of cancer
    Role: Co-Principal Investigator

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Funded by the NIH National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences through its Clinical and Translational Science Awards Program, grant number UL1TR002541.