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Kenneth J. Mukamal, M.D.
Co-Authors (250)
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Co-Authors are people in Profiles who have published together.
Afdhal, Nezam
Aggarwal, Rahul
Alper, Seth
Amat, Maelys
Apovian, Caroline
Aronson, Mark
Aschard, Hugues
Ascherio, Alberto
Asnani, Aarti
Azrael, Deborah
Baer, Heather
Barber, Catherine
Bastardot, Francois
Bates, David
Battinelli, Elisabeth
Baughman, Carter
Berde, Charles
Britton, Kathryn
Brown, Robert
Buring, Julie
Buxton, Alfred
Cade, Brian
Cahalane, Michael
Cai, Tianxi
Camargo, Carlos
Castilla-Ojo, Noelle
Castro, Marcia
Celi, Leo Anthony
Chan, Andrew
Chang, James
Chasman, Dan
Chavarro, Jorge
Cheng, Susan
Chiu, Nicholas
Choi, Hyon
Cluett, Jennifer
Cohen, Marc
Cohen, Robert
Come, Steven
Cook, Nancy
Curhan, Gary
Curry, Michael
Danziger, John
Dashti, Hassan
Davis, Roger
Dickerman, Barbra
Djousse, Luc
Doctoroff, Lauren
Dodge, Laura
Donnino, Michael
Dooley, Sean
Eades, Micah
Eamranond, Pracha
Eisner, Brian
Eliassen, Heather
Ellervik, Christina
Ferrigno, Bryan
Fleming, Lisa
Flier, Steven
Florez, Jose
Franco, Oscar
Franks, Paul
Fricker, Zachary
Friedman, David
Fung, Teresa
Ganatra, Rahul
Ganna, Andrea
Gannon, Stephen
Gavin, Michael
Gaziano, J.
Gerszten, Robert
Gervino, Ernest
Giovannucci, Edward
Glenn, Andrea
Guasch-Ferre, Marta
Gulayin, Pablo
Hall, Kathryn
Hamaya, Rikuta
Hannan, Marian
Haslam, Danielle
Hasturk, Hatice
Hennessey, James
Hernandez, Adrian
Herzig, Shoshana
Hivert, Marie-France
Ho, Jennifer
Hofman, Albert
Horimoto, Andrea
Hou, Tao
Hu, Frank
Huffman, Jennifer
Hunter, David
Iezzoni, Lisa
Ikram, Mohammad
Irazola, Vilma
Ishak, Anthony
Ivey, Kerry
Janszky, Imre
Jensen, Majken
Jerosch-Herold, Michael
Jiang, Zhenghui
Joshipura, Kaumudi
Juraschek, Stephen
Kabrhel, Christopher
Kannam, Joseph
Kaptchuk, Ted
Kawachi, Ichiro
Kiel, Douglas
Kim, Casey
Kim, Dae Hyun
King, George
Knapp, Sarah
Kossowsky, Joe
Kraemer, Kristen
Kraft, Peter
Kramer, Daniel
Kriegel, Gila
Kurth, Tobias
Lai, Michelle
Landon, Bruce
Lanske, Beate
Latif, Zara
Lau, Emily
Lee, I-Min
Leung, Cindy
Li, Jonathan
Li, Joseph
Li, Jun
Libman, Howard
Lindenberg, Julia
Lipsitz, Lewis
Liu, Xiaojuan
Locke, Andrew
Ludwig, David
Ma, Wenjie
Manning, Alisa
Manning, Warren
Manson, JoAnn
Mantzoros, Christos
Marmot, Michael
Matheney, Travis
Matos, Jason
Mattei, Josiemer
Mattison, Melissa
McCarthy, Ellen
McDermott, David
Meigs, James
Meyer, Haakon
Mi, Michael
Millar, Courtney
Miller, Matt
Minchenberg, Scott
Missmer, Stacey
Mittleman, Murray
Mladenovik, Viktoria
Morales, Alexander
Mostofsky, Elizabeth
Muller, James
Nee, Judy
Newton-Cheh, Christopher
Ngo, Long
O'Donnell, Christopher
Okereke, Olivia
Olveczky, Daniele
Palotie, Aarno
Parris, James
Parris, Ritika
Patwardhan, Vilas
Petri, Camille
Petriceks, Aldis
Phillips, Russell
Pollak, Martin
Popov, Yury
Poyan Mehr, Ali
Qi, Lu
Raines, Nathan
Rao, Prashant
Rapoport, Alison
Redline, Susan
Rexrode, Kathryn
Reynolds, Eileen
Rice, Mary
Richards, Christopher
Rich-Edwards, Janet
Ricotta, Daniel
Ridker, Paul
Rimm, Eric
Robbins, Jeremy
Robson, Simon
Rodrigue, James
Ronan, Matthew
Rowley, Christopher
Sacks, Frank
Sahni, Shivani
Sarma, Amy
Sarma, Shohinee
Schermerhorn, Marc
Schonberg, Mara
Sesso, Howard
Shepherd, Alyssa
Shmerling, Robert
Shvilkin, Alexei
Smetana, Gerald
Smith, Charles
Smith-Warner, Stephanie
Sofer, Tamar
Solomon, Caren
Song, Wenyu
Sontag, David
Spiegelman, Donna
Stampfer, Meir
Stanford, Fatima
Stead, Wendy
Steinman, Theodore
Stevens, Jennifer
Stuart, Jen
Sun, Qi
Szabo, Gyongyi
Taylor, William
Tess, Anjala
Tessier, Anne-Julie
Thadhani, Ravi
Tiemeier, Henning
Tobias, Deirdre
Torous, John
Tsao, Connie
Tung, Nadine
Turkson-Ocran, Ruth-Alma
Vaillant, George
Van Dam, Rob
Van Dyke, Thomas
Vanka, Anita
Vasunilashorn, Sarinnapha
Vyavahare, Medha
Waldinger, Robert
Wang, Molin
Wang, Yixin
Wayne, Peter
Wee, Christina
Weiner, Scott
Weinstein, Amy
Willett, Walter
William, Jeffrey
Williams, David
Williams, Paige
Wolf, Jacqueline
Zeidel, Mark
Zerillo, Jessica
Zhang, Mingyu
Zimetbaum, Peter
Mukamal's Networks
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Concepts (1030)
Derived automatically from this person's publications.
Coronary Disease
Hypotension, Orthostatic
Hip Fractures
Fatty Acids, Nonesterified
Alcohol Drinking
Co-Authors (250)
People in Profiles who have published with this person.
Rimm, Eric
Danziger, John
Mittleman, Murray
Jensen, Majken
Juraschek, Stephen
Similar People (60)
People who share similar concepts with this person.
Solomon, Scott
Willett, Walter
Ridker, Paul
Manson, JoAnn
Hu, Frank
Same Department
People in same department with this person.
Komaragiri, Mahathi
Kriegel, Gila
Lucas, Christopher
Trivedi, Shreya
Vanka, Anita
Physical Neighbors
People whose addresses are nearby this person.
Burns, Risa
Jen, Joyce
Bates, Carol
Rind, David
Yang, Julius