Harvard Catalyst Profiles

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Christopher Golden, Ph.D.

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Harvard College, Cambridge, MABA06/2005Environmental Conservation
UC Berkeley, Berkeley, CAMPH05/2010Epidemiology
UC Berkeley, Berkeley, CAPhD05/2011Environmental Science, Policy, and Management
Harvard University Center for the Environment, Cambridge, MAPost-doc06/2013Planetary Health

I am an ecologist and epidemiologist interested in the interface of ecosystem service provisioning and human health, specifically in the context of global trends in biodiversity loss and ecosystem transformation. Since 1999, I have been conducting ecological and public health research in Madagascar. Most broadly, I am interested in local people’s dependence on natural resources for obtaining adequate health. This interest has led to various studies into connections between marine and terrestrial wildlife consumption and the incidence of micronutrient deficiencies, the importance of botanical ethnomedicines and geophagy to local health, and the eco-epidemiology of malaria and the human microbiome given current trends in biodiversity loss and land use change. Beyond Madagascar, I have been leading a collaborative research program that evaluates the connections among climate change, fisheries management and ocean governance, and food security and human nutrition in coastal populations around the world. Given trends in mass fisheries declines, coral bleaching, and raising sea surface temperatures that will drive fisheries away from the Equator and toward the Poles, food-insecure populations across the globe will be deprived of a critical nutritional resource. Our group tackles this subject by modeling potential health futures and determining what types of interventions may be able to buffer against these impacts.

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  1. P20TW013028 (GOLDEN, CHRISTOPHER DEWEIR) Sep 23, 2024 - Aug 31, 2027
    Research Project
    Role: Principal Investigator

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Funded by the NIH National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences through its Clinical and Translational Science Awards Program, grant number UL1TR002541.