Harvard Catalyst Profiles

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Edy Yong Kim, M.D.,Ph.D.

Profile Picture

Harvard CollegeAB
Coro Fellow in Public Affairs
Washington Univ Saint LouisMD PhD
Brigham and Women's HospitalResidencyInternal Medicine
Harvard Combined, (MGH, BWH, BIDMC)FellowshipPulmonary and Critical Care
1st place, 7th Annual Respiratory Disease Young Investigator Forum
AHA Young Investigator Award
AAI Young Investigator Award
AHA Cournand and Comroe Award Finalist
Fast Company: World Changing Ideas-Pandemic Response, Hon. Mention
AHA Cournand and Comroe Award Finalist (mentor)
AHA Post-doctoral fellowship (mentor)
AHA Pre-doctoral fellowship (collaborating co-mentor)

Edy Kim Lab
#Our mission:
1) To figure out "the important stuff" in the immunology of disease by applying discovery methods (e.g., single-cell, spatial) to unique human biobanks.
2) Then validate mechanisms and therapies at the bench.
3) Then bring back to patients.

#Open positions: Looking to hire post-docs (immunology, bioinformatics, clinical/translational, bench).

#Clinical interests: I attend in the Brigham and Women's Hospital Medical Intensive Care Unit (MICU) and Pulmonary Clinic. I am Faculty Director of COVIDprotocols.org, our COVID-19 clinical guidelines.

#Research interests: Immuno-phenotyping human disease--cardiac arrest, pulmonary fibrosis (esp. rheumatoid arthritis(RA)-ILD).

#Translational: We run two clinical biobanks: The Cardiac Arrest Biobank and VATS (early lung disease biopsy) Biobank.

#Experimental: We run mouse models of cardiac arrest, sepsis and pulmonary fibrosis.

#Pharma collaboration: I lead the Biomarker/Target Discovery team in the MGB-Bayer Pulmonary Drug Discovery lab; and led the pulmonary fibrosis project in the Roche Fibroblast Network.

The research activities and funding listed below are automatically derived from NIH ExPORTER and other sources, which might result in incorrect or missing items. Faculty can login to make corrections and additions.
  1. R01HL166487 (KIM, EDY YONG) Jan 1, 2023 - Dec 31, 2027
    Resolution of inflammation after cardiac arrest
    Role: Principal Investigator
  2. R01HL166487 (Kim, Edy) Jan 1, 2023 - Dec 31, 2027
    Resolution of inflammation after cardiac arrest
    Role Description: To define the role of immune checkpoints in clinical and experimental cardiac arrest.
    Role: PI
  3. (Kim, Edy) Jan 1, 2023 - Dec 31, 2023
    BWH Bell Family Fund
    Molecular target identification in unclassifiable interstitial lung disease (ulLD)
  4. DA-827785 (Edy Kim) Jul 1, 2021 - Jun 30, 2024
    American Lung Association
    Dalsemer Research Award in Interstitial Lung Disease (ILD): T cell-fibroblast axes drive early, unclassified ILD (uILD)
  5. (Edy Kim) Jan 1, 2021 - Dec 31, 2023
    AHA Transformational Project Award
    I-CAN: A collaborative research network to discover immunological therapies for cardiac arrest

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Funded by the NIH National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences through its Clinical and Translational Science Awards Program, grant number UL1TR002541.