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Jane Wimpfheimer Newburger, M.D.
Co-Authors (250)
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Co-Authors are people in Profiles who have published together.
Afacan, Onur
Agarwal, Suneet
Agus, Michael
Akhondi-Asl, Alireza
Albert, Ben
Alexander, Mark
Alizadeh, Faraz
Allen, Philip
Alomari, Ahmad
Antman, Elliott
Antonelli, Richard
Arnold, John
Arya, Puneeta
Bachur, Richard
Baird, Christopher
Banzon, Tina
Barreto Guacaneme, Jessica
Bates, David
Beaute, Jeanette
Bellinger, David
Benamar, Mehdi
Benson, Carol
Bernstein, Jane
Beroukhim, Rebecca
Bledsoe, Jacob
Blume, Elizabeth
Bonzel, Clara-Lea
Bourgeois, Florence
Bradford, Victoria
Breitbart, Roger
Briscoe, David
Brown, David
Butler, Samantha
Cai, Tianxi
Calderon, Johanna
Carreon, Chrystalle Katte T.
Carroll, Ryan
Case, Siobhan
Castellanos, Daniel
Chandler, Mia
Chang, Margaret
Charbonnier, Louis-Marie
Chatila, Talal
Cheng, Henry
Chibnik, Lori
Chung, Wendy
Colan, Steven
Crestani, Elena
Daly, Kevin
Daly, Mark
Day, Michael
De Ferranti, Sarah
Dedeoglu, Fatma
Del Nido, Pedro
DeMaso, David
DeWitt, Elizabeth
DiNardo, James
Dionne, Audrey
Dragan, Kacie
Duggan, Christopher
Duncan, Christine
Elledge, Stephen
Emani, Sirisha
Esch, Jesse
Esteso, Paul
Estroff, Judy
Farias, Michael
Feins, Eric
Ferraro, Alessandra
Fishman, Martha
Foulkes, Andrea
Franceschini, Maria
Friedman, Kevin
Fulton, David
Fynn-Thompson, Francis
Gaffney, Lukas
Gagoski, Borjan
Gauvreau, Kimberlee
Geha, Raif
Gellis, Stephen
Geva, Alon
Geva, Tal
Gholipour, Alireza
Graham, Dionne
Grant, P.
Gurvitz, Michelle
Gutierrez-Arcelus, Maria
Hadley, Stephanie
Halyabar, Olha
Harrild, David
Harris, Nancy
Hartz, Jacob
Hausmann, Jonathan
Hazen, Melissa
Healy, Gerald
Henderson, Lauren
Henson, Brandi
Hickey, Patricia
Hickey, Paul
Hill, Kevin
Hoganson, David
Iezzoni, Lisa
Im, Kiho
Inder, Terrie
Ingelfinger, Julie
Jaimes Cobos, Camilo
Javalkar, Karina
Jenkins, Kathy
Jerosch-Herold, Michael
Karchmer, Adolf
Karczewski, Konrad
Katz, Jenna
Kaza, Aditya
Kazzi, Brigitte
Kheir, John
Kim, Seong Won
Kinney, Hannah
Klouda, Timothy
Kobayashi, Ryan
Kohane, Zak
Kolodziej, Meghan
Kula, Tomasz
Kussman, Barry
Lachenauer, Catherine
Lacro, Ronald
Lai, Peggy
Laird-Gion, Jessica
Landzberg, Michael
Langer, Monica
LaRovere, Kerri
Laussen, Peter
Lederer, James
Lee, Erica
Lee, Pui
Leopold, Jane
Levine, Jami
Levy, Philip
Lipsett, Susan
Lo, Jeffrey
Lo, Mindy
Loscalzo, Joseph
Ludwig, David
MacRae, Calum
Mah, Douglas
Majzoub, Joseph
Mandl, Kenneth
Manning, Warren
Mannix, Rebekah
Marx, Gerald
Mayer, John
Mayourian, Joshua
Mazumdar, Maitreyi
McCray, Alexa
McGill, Trevor
Mehta, Nilesh
Meidan, Esra
Michelson, Alan
Mills, Kimberly
Morton, Sarah
Moynihan, Katie
Nathan, Meena
Newburger, Peter
Nguyen, Alan
Nigrovic, Lise
Nigrovic, Peter
Novak, Tanya
Padera, Robert
Paulo, Joao
Perez-Atayde, Antonio
Pickard, Sarah
Platt, Craig
Porras, Diego
Poussaint, Tina
Powell, Andrew
Prakash, Ashwin
Priebe, Gregory
Quinonez, Luis
Rakoff-Nahoum, Seth
Randolph, Adrienne
Rappaport, Leonard
Rathi, Yogesh
Rathod, Rahul
Reeder, Harrison
Reis, Ben
Resch, Stephen
Rifai, Nader
Rimland, Casey
Rimm, Eric
Rivkin, Michael
Roberts, Amy
Robertson, Richard
Rollins, Caitlin
Ronai, Christina
Sadhwani, Anjali
Sahin, Mustafa
Saleeb, Susan
Salvin, Joshua
Samad, Aaida
Samocha, Kaitlin
Sanders, Stephen
Sandora, Thomas
Schidlow, David
Schneider, Eric
Seidman, Christine
Seidman, Jonathan
Servattalab, Sarah
Shah, Pinak
Shimamura, Akiko
Silverman, Edwin
Sinclair-McBride, Keneisha
Singh, Michael
Sleeper, Lynn
Smith, Lois
Son, Mary
Soul, Janet
Sperotto, Francesca
Stagg, Amy
Steen, Hanno
Steigner, Michael
Steil, Garry
Straka, Nadine
Sundel, Robert
Sweetser, David
Tang, Alexander
Teele, Sarah
Thaweethai, Tanayott
Thiagarajan, Ravi Ram
Torchiana, David
Triedman, John
Tworetzky, Wayne
Vajapeyam, Sridhar
Valente, Anne Marie
Vitali, Sally Ann
Volpe, Joseph
Waber, Deborah
Wakimoto, Hiroko
Walsh, Edward
Warfield, Simon
Wei, Kevin
Wilkins-Haug, Louise
Wobma, Holly
Wypij, David
Xia, Zongqi
Yager, Phoebe
Yang, Edward
Yonker, Lael
Yue, Jian
Yuki, Koichi
Zollei, Lilla
Zurakowski, David
Newburger's Networks
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Concepts (1211)
Derived automatically from this person's publications.
Heart Defects, Congenital
Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome
Transposition of Great Vessels
Mucocutaneous Lymph Node Syndrome
Coronary Aneurysm
Co-Authors (250)
People in Profiles who have published with this person.
Son, Mary
Bellinger, David
Friedman, Kevin
Wypij, David
Dionne, Audrey
Similar People (60)
People who share similar concepts with this person.
Son, Mary
Friedman, Kevin
Nathan, Meena
Del Nido, Pedro
Dionne, Audrey
Same Department
People in same department with this person.
Bonello, Kristin
Geisser, Diana
Kane, David
Mistry, Kshitij
Pickard, Sarah
Physical Neighbors
People whose addresses are nearby this person.
Gauvreau, Kimberlee
Thiagarajan, Ravi Ram
Harrild, David
Rathod, Rahul
Mah, Douglas